๐$ATS Liquidity Pool
Join the ATS-USDC Liquidity Pool and earn yields of up to 300% APR
Info on Liquidity Rewards
Up to 1.5 Million $ATS to be rewarded to LP providers
An aggregated Total Value Locked (TVL) of more than $700k, with over 65k $ATS tokens released as of Feburary
Raydium Fusion Pool rewards will be ongoing until further announcements!
Why add to the Liquidity Pool?
Help facilitate ATS-USDC swaps by making swap faster and swap rates less volatile
Liquidity Providers earn 88% of fees from ATS-USDC swaps on Raydium
Passively farm your $ATS holdings
Risk of Liquidity Farming
Liquidity Farming is not without its risk. Impermanence loss could occur. In short, impermanent loss means that the dollar value of a userโs crypto assets deposited to a liquidity pool could decline over time. Increased volatility could further the impermanence loss as well. However, rewards to the Liquidity Provider can offset the losses over time.
There are also smart contract risks associated.
Having Raydium as a platform helps mitigate this as they are a reputable platform that has been rigorously audited.
How to add Liquidity
Go to Raydium -> Liquidity and select $ATS+USDC then click "Supply"

2. After adding liquidity to the ATS/USDC pool, go to Raydium Farms and search for ATS, then click "Stake LP" to enjoy passive yields on your ATS holdings.

3. That's it.
Contribute to the ATS-USDC Raydium Fusion Pool and farm more $ATS tokens today!
Last updated
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